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The Desk and Derrick Club of Lafayette participates in a number of learning and team building experiences throughout the year.


A-1 Professional Answering Service
On September 9th, 2021 some of our club members traveled to the A-1 Professional Answering Service in Lafayette, LA.
 A-1 has been serving our area for almost 30 years. A1 Professional provides coverage for a Company's TELEPHONE... The most important  communications tool... 24/7. Their Goal is to be an EXTENSION of your office. 
Thank you Tiffani Leal with A-1 Professional Answering Service for the wonderful tour/ field trip. It was very interesting and informative.
We all have a new outlook on what an answering service is all about!

We are all so proud of your success!! Cheers to 30 years! Congratulations!!


BP Training Facility

On February 27th, 2020 some of our club members traveled to the BP Training Facility in Schriever, LA.

 This facility is over 80,000 square feet of first class oil and gas training operations. Everyone had a blast and learned so much about all of the different training stages individuals need to know in order to go offshore and work on a drilling rig.


Loadmaster Field Trip

On June 16, 2018 our club took a field trip to Loadmaster Industries in Broussard, LA. Mr. Bryan Sellers was kind enough to give us a tour of their facility and show us how Oil Derricks are built and assembled. He took us through the entire process, from cutting the steel,

to welding substructures, to erecting large equipment. We all were amazed by how ENORMOUS these structures can be.



Escape Room

On March 29, 2018 our club took part in a team building exercise at the Escape Room in Lafayette, LA.

The Escape Room provided a new, fun and exciting way to work together and create bonds among our members. The rooms were designed for group cooperation and offered a rewarding challenge. Everyone that participated had a blast!



Galveston Field Trip

On September 30th, 2017 our club took a field trip to Galveston, Texas. We were able to tour an Ensco drilling rig and the local Ocean Star museum. Everyone had a great time and learned so much about the daily operation of a drilling rig.



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